24 Okt 2010

Tag Dari Sue

salam semua...
sory ye sue...
bru nk wat tag ko, aku da dpt tag nie dlu..
tpi, xpe la... aku jwb lgi tuk second version...

Name one person who made u laugh last nite?
Member2 FB.. aku dok chat ngn dorg mlm tdi.. name nti la
What were u doing 1 hour ago?
tdo.. hehe

What was the last thing u said out loud?
Woi.. Bawak kete btol2 la b*#i..

Where's the next place you're going to?
kdi mkn kot tuk lunch...

What was the last thing u paid for? 
nasi lemak ayam goreng...

Where were you last nite?
xkemane pon.. ptg je kuar.. mlm kat umah
What's the best ice-cream flavour?
vanilla ngn coklat blackforest...

Do u wanna cut your hair?
ye, tpi cm syg plak... klu potong pon tepi ngn blakang je kot..

Do u love to 'melatah'?
aku xmelatah... kacau org melatah ade la..

If that so (melatah), what will u said out loud?
ntah.. aku xtau

What does the last text-msg received say?

Will u get married in da future?
insyaallah.. klu ade jodoh kawen la aku nti...

Do u chew on your straw?
lpas air aku abes la...

Do u make up ur own words?

Is there anyone u like/love right now?
kawan je la dlu..

Tag 5 bloggers/more.
disebabkan aku da jwb dulu, so xnk tag la ye...
k, sampai sini dlu..


0 shout!!!:

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